Hoffmann/Krüger: title #7

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Hoffmann/Krüger: title #7

German Championship Seniors Latin

By winning all five dances, Andreas Hoffmann/Isabel Krüber defended their title.

Much less couples competed at the German Championships this year. Out of 31 registered couples, only 18 competed. Three couples from last year reached the final. Andreas Hoffmann/Isabel Krüger won their seventh title.

  1. Andreas Hoffmann/Isabel Krüger
  2. Engin Önder/Sonja Schäufler
  3. Marlin Hötting/Freia Schwertfeger 
  4. Benjamin Eiermann/Tina Zettelmeier
  5. Michael Klinkhammer/Miriam Perplies
  6. Robert Kovarik/Sandra Caspers

by Kristina Scibor Uhr

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