Baltic Grand Prix Riga 2012


Baltic Grand Prix Riga 2012

World Championship U21 TenDance Vadim Lehmann and Mariya Vakhnina: 8th place out of 42 couples WDSF Senior II Open Standard Michael and Beate Lindner: 1st place Detlef Krebs and Andrea Peters: split 6th-8th place (runners-up to the final) WDSF World Open Standard Michael Wenger and Jekaterina Perederejeva: 10th place Daniel Buschmann and Katarina Bauer: 23rd place in the quarter final WDSF Yout...

World Championship U21 TenDance
Vadim Lehmann and Mariya Vakhnina: 8th place out of 42 couples

WDSF Senior II Open Standard
Michael and Beate Lindner: 1st place
Detlef Krebs and Andrea Peters: split 6th-8th place (runners-up to the final)

WDSF World Open Standard
Michael Wenger and Jekaterina Perederejeva: 10th place
Daniel Buschmann and Katarina Bauer: 23rd place in the quarter final

WDSF Youth Open Latin
Karols Junels and Kristina Kretz: 7th place out of 63 couples (runners-up to the final)

WDSF Senior I Latin
Meik and Bianca Sauer: 2nd place out of 18 couples

Rising Star Latin
Gregor Bronstein and Aigulim Gerich: 5th place

World Cup Latin
Gregor Bronstein and Aigulim Gerich: split 20th/21st place

All results can be found here.

by Tobias Hock Uhr

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