Provide security for homosexual athletes in Russia


Provide security for homosexual athletes in Russia

Statement by Tanzsport Deutschland (Dancesport Germany)

Because of the demonstration planend to be held in Berlin by the initiative "Enough is Enough - Open your mouth" against the legislation in Russia, directed particularly against homosexuals, Tanzsport Deutschland (Dancesport Germany) states the following: The German Dance Sport Association (DTV) condemns all forms of discrimination against sexual identity. Like the German Olympic Sports Confederat...

Because of the demonstration planend to be held in Berlin by the initiative "Enough is Enough - Open your mouth" against the legislation in Russia, directed particularly against homosexuals, Tanzsport Deutschland (Dancesport Germany) states the following:
The German Dance Sport Association (DTV) condemns all forms of discrimination against sexual identity. Like the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), DTV believes that sport is a human right and all people must have access to sport - regardless of their origin, sexual orientation or religion. This applies not only to the Olympic Games, but also for all national and international sports events and includes athletes, officials, spectators and journalists. DTV welcomes and supports all efforts and initiatives of governmental and non-governmental bodies who are working peacefully to enforce these principles and respect for people of different sexual identity.
A number of athletes and coaches in DTV have expressed their concern to be suspended or even to take on a climate of violence due to the new legislation while participating in tournaments or training activities in Russia because of their homosexuality. Dancesport Germany takes these concerns very seriously. In regard to various international dance sport events that take place in the coming months in Russia, the President of the DTV, Franz Allert, has already contacted the Vice President of the Russian Dance Sport Federation, the President of the World DanceSport Federation (WDSF) and the Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid at the German Federal Foreign Office in personal conversations and given these concerns. The DTV expects a clear positioning of the WDSF in this context.
Gay sportswomen and sportsmen must not be discriminated against, even feel discriminated against or be limited in their development opportunities. Diversity, respect and acceptance form an important value basis, for which the German Dancesport campaigns nationally and internationally.


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