danceComp 2012: WDSF Open Senior I Latin


danceComp 2012: WDSF Open Senior I Latin

47 couples participated in the Senior I Latin tournament, which was slightly more than in 2011. Master of Ceremony, Thomas Kokott, attested "outstanding performances" to all competitors. The final consisted of seven couples from four nations. The German Champions Andreas Hoffmann/Isabel Krüger showed high-class Latin dancing; however, they had to leave the first place to Sergey Makarenko/Tatiana N...

47 couples participated in the Senior I Latin tournament, which was slightly more than in 2011. Master of Ceremony, Thomas Kokott, attested "outstanding performances" to all competitors. The final consisted of seven couples from four nations. The German Champions Andreas Hoffmann/Isabel Krüger showed high-class Latin dancing; however, they had to leave the first place to Sergey Makarenko/Tatiana Nikolaeva from Russia, who had finished third place last year. Vincenzo Cipriani/Rosa Salvemini from Italy reached the third place.

1. Sergey Makarenko/Tatiana Nikolaeva, Russia
2. Andreas Hoffmann/Isabel Krüger, Germany
3. Vincenzo Cipriani/Rosa Salvemini, Italy
4. Alexey Stiazhkin/Natalia Nikolaeva, Russia
5. Martin Macoun/Romana Motlova, Czech Republic
6. Mikhail Timofeev/Irina Burkatovskaya, Russia
7. Meik and Bianca Sauer, Germany

Complete results

by Tobias Hock Uhr

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