Choreography in Formation


Choreography in Formation

From the WDSF website: "Roberto Albanese lectured at the 2013 WDSF Adjudicators' Congress in Stuttgart, GER, on the topic of "Choreographic Components in Formation DanceSport." Here is a one-hour excerpt from Roberto's presentation. The WDSF DanceSport Academy thanks Roberto and the Grün-Gold Bremen Formation Team for allowing that excerpts of this presentation are published as part of the YouTrai...

From the WDSF website: "Roberto Albanese lectured at the 2013 WDSF Adjudicators' Congress in Stuttgart, GER, on the topic of "Choreographic Components in Formation DanceSport." Here is a one-hour excerpt from Roberto's presentation.

The WDSF DanceSport Academy thanks Roberto and the Grün-Gold Bremen Formation Team for allowing that excerpts of this presentation are published as part of the YouTraining DanceSport programme."

Please follow the link for a video of the lecture.

Text: WDSF


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