Medal ranks of champions

Standard und Latein

Medal ranks of champions

danceComp Senior Standard

An Interesting set of finalists was seen at the World Ranking List competition of Senior Standard. The Czech Champions, the first and third couple from both the last Italian and German Championship as well as the Runners up from Russia were dancing in the final. World Champion and last years' winner Cristian and Elena Bono who entered the competition but had to withdraw, were miss...

An Interesting set of finalists was seen at the World Ranking List competition of Senior Standard. The Czech Champions, the first and third couple from both the last Italian and German Championship as well as the Runners up from Russia were dancing in the final. World Champion and last years' winner Cristian and Elena Bono who entered the competition but had to withdraw, were missing. Winning all dances was the couple from Czech Republic, Michal Mladek / Sarka Hesova, far ahead of the Italian champions Luca Bandettini / Margherita Petrocchi as runners up. After the Viennese Waltz three couples shared the same sum of places, including German champions Thorsten Zirm / Sonja Schwarz, who topped their performances in the last dances and finished third. Thorsten Strauß / Alma Marit-Herrmann finished sixth.

1. Michal Mladek/Sarka Hesova, Czech Republic (5)
2. Luca Bandettini/Margherita Petrocchi, Italy (14)
Thorsten Zirm/Sonja Schwarz, Blau-Gold Casino, Darmstadt (17)
4. Vitaly Rogachevsky/Tatiana Nikolaeva, Russia (19)
5. Ignazio Grignani/Ilaria Gianfranchi, Italy (20)
6. Thorsten Strauß/Alma Marit Herrmann, TSA im VfL Pinneberg (30)

by Peter Chen Uhr

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