Tassilo and Sabine Lax World Champions Senior I Standard


Tassilo and Sabine Lax World Champions Senior I Standard

Two titles of World Champions in two days, both won in Belgium. Tassilo and Sabine Lax, the new German Champions Senior I S, made their dream and the dream of many come true: becoming World Champions! The German runners-up, Jörg and Ute Hillenbrand, finished eighth in the semi final, although they could have reached the final according to experts. Federal Sports Director Michael Eichert shares the...

Two titles of World Champions in two days, both won in Belgium. Tassilo and Sabine Lax, the new German Champions Senior I S, made their dream and the dream of many come true: becoming World Champions! The German runners-up, Jörg and Ute Hillenbrand, finished eighth in the semi final, although they could have reached the final according to experts. Federal Sports Director Michael Eichert shares the couples' joy: "Amazing! What a weekend in Antwerp! We are double World Champions!"

1. Tassilo and Sabine Lax, Germany
2. Bernardini/Martellini, Italy
3. Data/Pau, Italy
4. Lukawczyk/Klein, Belgium
5. Vanchugin/Skripnik, Russia
6. Shcherbakov/Ovcharenko, Russia
8. Jörg and Ute Hillenbrand, Germany

All results from the tournaments in Antwerp can be found here

by Tobias Hock Uhr

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