European Championship Youth Standard


European Championship Youth Standard

Dominik Stöckl/Katharina Belz and Jan Janzen/Viktoria Litvinova were representing in Germany in Brasov Romania. After a trip of more than 20 hours due to a missed connection flight, these two couples entered the floor with 46 other couples. Both danced into the third round. In an event of very high standard, Jan and Viktoria were placed 18 th/19 th and Dominik and Katharina 21 ...

Dominik Stöckl/Katharina Belz and Jan Janzen/Viktoria Litvinova were representing in Germany in Brasov Romania. After a trip of more than 20 hours due to a missed connection flight, these two couples entered the floor with 46 other couples. Both danced into the third round. In an event of very high standard, Jan and Viktoria were placed 18 th/19 th and Dominik and Katharina 21 st-23 rd. New European Champions are Madis Abel / Aleksandra Galkina, followed by Sander Seppik / Kaari Kink. Those two couples from Estonia were followed by Vladislav Kolsnikov / Anna Isakovich from Russia who were placed third.

At the World Open Latin competition in Brasov, Jan Dvoracek / Malika Dzumaev were dancing. They missed the final by only two marks and finished eighth.  

by Peter Chen Uhr

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