WDSF AGM in Berlin - no banning for couples and adjudicators


WDSF AGM in Berlin - no banning for couples and adjudicators

The colorful design of the Berlin Buddy Bear symbolizes the diversity of the world organization and the bridge between Berlin and Barcelona, DTV and WDSF. With this gift to WDSF President Carlos Freitag, presented by DTV Vice President Heidi Estler, DTV President Franz Allert welcomes the presidium and the delegates of the General Meeting in Berlin. 65 nations are represented. First in the agenda...

The colorful design of the Berlin Buddy Bear symbolizes the diversity of the world organization and the bridge between Berlin and Barcelona, DTV and WDSF. With this gift to WDSF President Carlos Freitag, presented by DTV Vice President Heidi Estler, DTV President Franz Allert welcomes the presidium and the delegates of the General Meeting in Berlin. 65 nations are represented.

First in the agenda was the exclusion of the former member Dance Sport Federation of Russia (DSFR), which was voted on after presenting the different positions and the resulting discussion. With the required two-third majority, the application has been accepted. DSFR is no longer a member of the WDSF.

Reports and the budget for 2012, the plan for 2013 and the relief of the presidium were accepted.

After the application of the DTV, Timo Kulczak (former Chair of the Athletes Commission of the WDSF) has received the possibility of a short statement on his retirement of the WDSF presidium. Zoran Plohl, who will follow Timo Kulczak on July 1st, 2012, was given the opportunity to introduce himself.

The members of the Disciplinary Council were re-elected, including DTV Secretary Christopher Rubien as Vice President. The Council's President is Daniel Stehlin from Switzerland.

After a lengthy discussion and numerous statements against the applications of the WDSF presidium, the WDSF presidium withdrew all proposals on changing the Code of Conduct for Athlethes and Adjudicators. From now on, there will be no more penalties for non-registered tournaments. Couples and adjudicators which were previously banned may request the withdrawal. This result was achieved through the dedication and the request of several member nations, including the DTV. In 2013, the topic will be back on the agenda. By then, an acceptable solution shall be found.

The new WDSF Competition Rulebook, which has been substantially revised by WDSF board member Michael Eichert, receives the approval of the plenary. The request of several members, including Germany, on the founding of Continental Associations did not reach the required two-thirds majority.

Two candidates are competing for a position in the WDSF presidium for the current election period until 2013: Noune Marty (France) and Ken Richards (USA). Ken Richards is elected with a clear majority.


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