Michael and Beate Lindner are German National Champion Senior II Standard


Michael and Beate Lindner are German National Champion Senior II Standard

109 couples were competing in Elmshorn for the title of the German National Champion 2014. Changes in the age groups, couples having turned professionals as well as couples withdrawing due to illnesses made the competition exciting from the very beginning. At the end only three couples of last years' final were called back to the final. One couple danced the whole competition without any pressure...

109 couples were competing in Elmshorn for the title of the German National Champion 2014. Changes in the age groups, couples having turned professionals as well as couples withdrawing due to illnesses made the competition exciting from the very beginning. At the end only three couples of last years' final were called back to the final. One couple danced the whole competition without any pressure and won clearly. Michael and Beate Lindner now hold the title for the sixth consecutive time. The following ranks saw mixed results although the places were clear in the end. New runners-up in Senior II S Standard are Bernd and Sandra Ketturkat, who moved up one place from their last years' result. The bronze medal went to Gert Faustmann/Alexandra Kley who were dancing their first German National Championship in this age category.  

Michael und Beate Lindner, Blau-Gold Casino Darmstadt (5)
2. Bernd und Sandra Ketturkat, TC Royal Oberhausen (10)
3. Gert Faustmann/Alexandra Kley, Blau-Silber Berlin TSC (15)
4. Bernhard und Sonja Fuss, TTC Rot-Weiß Freiburg (20)
5. René und Anke Seyboth, TC Rot-Weiß Leipzig (27)
6. Stefan und Inge Kolip, TSC Rot-Weiss Lorsch Bergstrasse (28)



by Peter Chen Uhr

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