Segatori/Sudol Runners-up in Wuhan

Standard und Latein

Segatori/Sudol Runners-up in Wuhan

Simone Segatori/Anette Sudol came back from the Grand Slam Standard Competition in Wuhan with a second place. Anton Skuratov/Alena Uehlin reached the semi-final.

Simone Segatori’s and Annette Sudol’s biggest rivals Domitro Zharkov/Olga Kulikova from Russia won against them by a nose. With only 0,348 points, Segatori/Sudol came in second, but they won the Quickstep. Anatoliy Novoselov/Tasia Novoselov-Schulz reached rank 24. Valentin and Renata Lusin missed the quarter final scarcely as they only had two marks less than the couple that came in 18th. They reached rank 25.

by Kristina Scibor Uhr

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