

Finals in Moscow and Bratislava

Marius-Andrei Balan/Nina Bezzubova reached the final of the WDSF International Open tournament in Moscow and finished second behind Martino Zanibellato/Michelle Abildtrup (Denmark), the second runners-up of the World Championships. 129 couples took part. Final result: 1. Martino Zanibellato / Michelle Abildtrup, Denmark 2. Marius-Andrei Balan / Nina Bezzubova, Germany 3. Anton Semenov / Anastasia...


Doga/Ertmer third in World Open Standard

Last weekend, 50 couples competed in the World Open Standard tournament in Salsomaggiore in Italy. Dumitru Doga/Sarah Ertmer were ranked third in the final, Bogdan Ianosi/Stefanie Pavelic reached the semi final and finished 12th. Georg Bröker/Susanne Schantora reached the second place in the WDSF Open Senior I Latin tournament (seven couples in total).


Braunschweig defends title in Ludwigsburg

Winning the German Championships had been child's play compared to defending the title of World Champion of Standard formations. The Braunschweiger TSC had not only to deal with 14 teams from other nations, but above all with an incredibly improved German competition: Compared to the German Championships 2 weeks earlier, the 1. TC Ludwigsburg appeared completely transformed and thrilled 4,300 spec...


World Championships finalists Balan/Bezzubova

93 couples competed in the World Championships Latin in the sold-out city hall of Vienna. Marius-Andrei Balan/Nina Bezzubova danced a phantastic tournament and improved from round to round. The German fans cheered when the couple was caleld for the final, and they cheered even more at the price presentation when they reached the fifth place. Pavel Pasechnik/Marta Arndt also showed great performan...


Results from the Austrian Open

Numerous German couples competed in Vienna at the Austrian Open. These are their results: WDSF Open Senior I Latein (37 couples) 2. Andreas Hoffmann/Isabel Brüger 5. Stefan Leschke/Leila Kessler 7./8. Meik & Bianca Sauer WDSF Open Senior III Standard (63 couples) 5. Wolfgang Walter/Ilsa von Beyer 12. Marius Torka/Barbara Torka 14./15. Manfred Otto/Andrea Otto 19./20. Alexander Valko/Barbara Valk...


WDSF Organizer Guidelines for ID-Cards

The World DanceSport Federation has published a document containing guidelines for the organizers of WDSF-tournaments concerning the new ID-cards. German couples will receive their ID-cards from the DTV Office within the next weeks.

by Tobias Hock


Four DTV-couples qualified for Grand Slam Final

4 German couples have qualified via the Grand Slam series 2012 for the great Final in Shanghai: Benedetto Ferruggia/Claudia Köhler, Simone Segatori/Annette Sudol and Anton Skuratov/Alena Uehlin represent the Standard section. Marius-Andrei Balan/Nina Bezzubova represent the Latin section.

by Tobias Hock


Results from abroad

Last weekend, many German couples competed in international tournaments and were very succesful: Paris, France: WDSF World Open Standard 2. Valentin Lusin/Renata Busheeva 5. Dumitru Doga/Sarah Ertmer Youth Standard 2. Erik Kem/Lisa Rykovski Youth Latin 2. Artur Ankerstein/Vivien Kreiter 5. Gian-Luca and Teresa Carello 6. Erik Kem/Lisa Rykovski Senior I Standard 4. Jürgen Beck/Claudia Kleineh...

by Tobias Hock


World Championship TenDance: 6th place for Skuratov/Uehlin

Anton Skuratov/Alena Uehlin, German Champions TenDance, competed in the World Championship TenDance in Norway. Finishing third in the Standard section and sixth in the Latin section, they had to put up with the 6th place in total. "The result is not satisfactory, for their marks did not correspond with their performance", DTV-Vice President Rudolf Meindl commented. Results final: 1. Bitsch/Wiilia...

by Tobias Hock


Grand Slam Standard in Platja d'Aro

Just one day after the German Championships Simone Segatori / Annette Sudol (TSC Astoria Stuttgart) participated in the Grand Slam Standard tournament in Platja d'Aro. As expected, they reached the final and finished second (out of 54 couples), following Emanuel Valeri / Tanja Kehlet (Denmark). Results: 1. Emanuel Valeri - Tania Kehlet, Denmark 2. Simone Segatori - Annette Sudol, TSC Astoria Stut...

by Tobias Hock